and the 3 Squares of Neo-Feudalism
Not so long ago I was on the hamster wheel of 3 squares a day, with 3 snacks in between, and sugary or aspartame things to wash it down. I never even gave it a second thought because that is what everyone does, right? Seemed pretty normal to me until I saw myself in the fish bowl. If this sounds crazy to you like it did for me, then join me as I explore how grains and subsidized food have been one of the cornerstones used to enslave populations throughout the ages. I also hope to shed light on how hunger
has trapped civilization without even knowing it, and how open minds can escape from it. Before we begin, it is important to note that I am not promoting “the” “right” path, but rather, “a” path which I took to break free of the hunger game.
What Is Hunger?
A dictionary might define hunger as:
hunger | ˈhəNGɡər
a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat: she was faint with hunger.
And to put it more into context, a few words I am sure we are all familiar with:
I am so hungry I could eat a horse!
But the state of hunger
is different depending upon your fuel source, and I submit the definition above is specific to hunger
as derived from fructose (whether grain, fruit, refined sugar, etc.). With that said, I define that type of hunger
as nothing more than a withdrawal symptom that we feel when our bodies crave energy derived from grain, and processed sugar. It is this withdrawal symptom that takes over your mind and body stopping you dead in your tracks commanding that you feed it 3 times a day, with snacks in between. Again, with context, it’s like a slap in the face that says “Feed me now-drop what you are doing-get it done!”, until it finally tames us and we fall into line.
What if I told you that this type of hunger
has been bread 🍞 across generations? And what if I told you that you could free your body by simply denying a lifetime of programming for a few short weeks and eliminate it forever, without hunger
, lose as much weight as your body needs and keep it off, detoxify your body, normalize blood pressure and reverse disease and chronic illness, increase brain function, and improve your immune system? You probably wouldn’t believe it, and this is where an open mind is needed. I cannot express enough how this one thing opened the door to great enlightenment and enrichment for me.
The hunger
diet is a cornerstone of bondage throughout the ages. To be trapped by it one only need to eat enough grains and sugar long enough to get hooked by it — for life. Present day, this pretty much includes most of the entire planet. Grains are easy to grow, and can be stored for long periods of time to make flour for breads and other yummy things. The Bible documents how Egyptian pharaohs took control of grain production and storage and dominated the region simply by having it during 7 years of famine. Gold flowed into Egypt from other regions to buy grain. Julius Caesar sacked Egypt over 2000 years ago for its rich grain production which was later used to feed control Romans. Much like today, grains were subsidized by the state and made cheap. Free grain was used in Rome’s last years to control the mob during the great debasement of its money, until it fell. Can you see a rhyme in present day? Fast forward to biblical prophecy, wherein Revelation 6:5–6 (NIV) says:
… A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.
A penny or denarius being a day’s wage, which tend to suggest the control of food, dependency upon the state, as well as a (hyper) inflationary event. This also depicts an act of feudalism or bondage.
Personal Experience
For the past 5 years, I have navigated in and out of the hunger
, OMAD (one meal a day), and ketosis, putting my body to the test with many combinations. I no longer experience the hunger
, and it is similar for other members of my household too.
To say “just eat real food” (JERF
) seems silly really, but the effects are life changing. Quite simply, there is no hunger when we eat real food while also eliminating grains and refined sugar. The closest way to describe it is a mild signal that says “keep calm, eat soon
.” With JERF
, one can simply eat a single meal per day, or even skip a day, or two. In fact, I had never fasted in my life until I broke the hunger
; I couldn’t even if I tried because my hunger
wouldn’t let me. It’s important to note that JERF is JERF whether your fuel source is derived from fat or carbs (fructose), it’s just that it is much harder to fast or intermittent fast on a high carb diet.
Satiation with OMAD
satiate [ sā-sh(ē-)ət ]
satisfied to the full
Once satiated, one could get by on one meal a day (OMAD
), or a meal with a snack. When nourished, a single meal is all that the body needs, and your mind and body are free until the next day’s meal. For instance, beef or chicken with a plate full of veggies is my typical meal, sometimes with a light beer. I might include berries or some nuts sweetened with some raisins. I might even have a snack like a piece of Ezekiel toast and peanut butter or naturally sweetened jam or raw honey. These types of combinations have kept me throughout the day for the past 5 years.
Ketosis is when the body feeds on fat for fuel, and not sugar (whether derived from common sugars, fruit, or grains that break down as sugar). In the beginning, ketosis may be needed to kick the hunger
, but eventually the body becomes fat adaptive and the hunger stays away whether in ketosis or not. I actually question that ketosis is what medical science says it is. For instance, I can no longer tell when my body is in ketosis or not, even when blood strips say I am not. Once adaptive, I eat most fruits without bringing on the hunger
. Actually, there is one very noticeable difference; my sleep is amazing in ketosis (same for my wife).
The hunger
returns when that beer turns into 2+ a day, or I start adding back oatmeal, cereals, breads, pastas, pizza, etc. It’s not that I can’t enjoy these things, it’s just that they are not part of my regular routine. To keep the beast in check, I enjoy these things once in while. When I fall, and the hunger
returns, I get immediate feedback when I turn away from the hunger
diet, and I am quickly rewarded with a fading hunger
NOTE: be mindful of where your body is before staying in ketosis for weeks at a time. For instance, my wife’s body very easily goes into a high state of ketosis. For her, being in this state for several weeks at a time caused her to lose hair. For her, she was able to moderate this state with a piece of fruit or toast every day. That is the state meant to battle cancer, not for weight management. So if not sure about your body simply perform an at home blood test. Also, if battling diabetes or other medical problems, consider getting some help before diving in.
Intermittent fasting is easily done on a JERF
diet, which is simply reducing your feeding window to about 1 to 6 hours. This is not easy on a hunger
diet unless you smoke, drink lots of coffee, or use other appetite suppressors.
Fasting is the same as intermittent fasting except substituting hours for days. This is easier to do when in ketosis, but not necessary. I personally enter into ketosis after 2 days of fasting or 3 days of intermittent fasting, whereas my wife might only need 1 day of zero carbs to enter into ketosis. Once in ketosis, fasting gets easier. For instance, after 3 days of fasting I feel that I could continue on for several days thereafter. The time needed to shift into ketosis improves over time with adaptation.
Without being able to fast, or intermittent fast, our bodies are in a constant state of work to process what we last ate, and our minds are in a constant state about what and when to eat next. Contrast the hunger
diet’s “carb coma” and “stuffed” feelings with the JERF
diet’s “vibrancy” and “satiation”, and being constantly mindful of food to being out of mind.
, it is much easier to zip in and out of ketosis without even knowing it through fasting and intermittent fasting. It is my suspicion that fasting aids in the process of cleansing and healing your mind and body. For some faith and culture fasting is often associated with spirituality. Is it possible that fasting was meant to elevate prayer? Is it possible that fasting was meant to jerk God’s people from the hunger
long enough to break their psychological chains in order to free themselves from actual bondage?
Mindset Changes
Libertas vs. Tyrannis
Blessings come through the liberty mindset. Our founders knew this and I believe that is why it is so stated in the Preamble of the United States Constitution. When I broke the hunger
, a moment of clarity helped me to jump off the hamster wheel. I suddenly began to see a change in my thought patterns. Those that know me can spot this. I suddenly cared about reducing my dependency upon the state, or an employer, and gained a realization of my false prosperity that benefit the state more than it did me or my family. Ironically, modest prosperity followed this realization. It was during this transformation that I started to see how the invisible hand has nudged the world to be owned by its hunger
for purposes of our bondage, and the enrichment of our masters. After breaking the hunger
, I was suddenly able to completely shift into a new way of thinking. For what it’s worth, I suspect that this mindset change, if any, doesn’t express the same for everyone; I call this out mainly because for me it appeared to be a cornerstone of the transformation of many things.
Money Talks
I was enslaved to the extent of being indebted beyond my ability to ever repay, and with compensation that was quite generous. We struggled on how we might reduce our spending but felt that the few changes we could make would have little impact. When we shifted to the JERF mindset purely for health reasons, we not only ate much less, but we stopped eating out and in the end we accidentally reduced our spending drastically, while still spending more on the highest quality food we could get our hands on. We stopped being consumers and as a consequence we had loosened our chains of bondage because the hunger
was gone. For me, this created a positively charged vortex that effected change to everything in reach. All by accident, or was it?
HUNGER and Sovereign Wealth
It’s easy to think of the wealth of a nation in monetary terms, but in simple terms a nation’s wealth is determined by its trade or domestic product from either the production of goods and services and/or the mining of its natural resources. However, at its base, a nation’s wealth is derived by the sum of its labor
For a nation to become wealthy it must either conquer other nations and steal its wealth (and/or labor) or become a wealthy nation through growth — both require labor. Labor cannot be had unless it’s citizens serve the state (either directly or indirectly through taxes). Today people serve the state, not in chains, but by dependency to a drug addiction that requires a dose 3 times a day. Hunger
as an addiction is the perfect method of bondage because its people are driven to perform their labor without even realizing it. Nothing motivates a people to reenact labor rituals better than the hunger
, and for the sake of the industrial revolutions industry needed labor to kick start a national boost to its GDP.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was known for creating subsidies during the greatest contraction in 100 years purportedly to “help farmers” and “stabilize markets”; I suggest that these are benevolent myths to disguise an agenda to hoist the Federal Reserve Note as the reserve currency, with the aid of a large gold supply, and a healthy gross domestic product (GDP). I say “benevolent myth” because it was during this great contraction that FDR raised taxes and used them to acquire massive amounts of gold, in addition to the gold he confiscated in 1933. So on the one hand he is taking wealth from the nation in order to build up gold reserves, and with the other he is subsidizing grains. The gold acquisitions during this desperate time suggest interests beyond the needs of the people, but rather to grow the nation into a super power that we have enjoyed for the last 75 years.
Industrial Revolutions, the Dollar, and Taxes
Industrial revolutions need innovation and cheap labor, and some form of managed feudalism. In 1913 the bankers’ launched the Federal Reserve as the sole issuer of US paper currency. This was not the first time, nor the second, but this time the Federal Reserve had a collaborator — income tax. One responsible for the supply of the Dollar, and the other responsible for its demand. Both introduced together by congress under cover of a Christmas break. It also just so happened to be the dawn of the tractor boom, from which the grain production likely acted as a proxy. A coincidence? Perhaps, but it was the hunger
that drove us on the hamster wheel of industry and sovereign wealth without cracking a single whip. Industry borrowed currency into existence from the Federal Reserve system to expand and pay its serfs so they in turn could buy bread, be consumers, and pay taxes, while feeling as if they were participating in the “prosperity”.
Enter the 1970’s
FDR may have closed the gold window to its own citizens in 1933, but in 1971 President Nixon “temporarily” closed the gold window to the entire world preventing other nations from exchanging their Dollars for physical metal. The metal was being rapidly depleted following France having lifted the dress of lady liberty for creating currency beyond her backing (no irony there). It should be no shock to know that President Nixon would blame “speculators” for our own mismanagement. The effect of this was a quickening in that currency creation no longer had ANY limit. That includes the hamster wheel, which can now be full-on supercharged.
I grew up during this time and can recall these years when the world was generally healthy and obesity was uncommon, just being overweight was uncommon. Diabetes was “diabetes”; there was no such thing as “type 2 diabetes” nor was there any such thing as “leaky gut” or Morgellons. In a single generation, these huge shifts took place:
- Spike of grain-based food
- Spike of sugar-based food
- Spike of processed food
- Spike of pesticide usage
- Spike of genetic modification
- Removal of quality fats replaced with poor substitutes
- Dependency upon a symptomatic health care system, driven by:
- Dependency upon pharmaceuticals
- Dependency upon vaccines
Although gripped by the hunger
health was still generally good leading up to these shifts. Mom stayed home full time and cared for the family. Doctor visits were generally as needed and health insurance, pharmaceuticals and vaccines were uncommon, mom’s quelled measles “outbreaks” with Tupperware parties, we didn’t have or need scooters at stores, men were men and didn’t need Viagra (just a $1.00 Playboy). Contrast with today and the country was in much better shape and we were free from a forced “health care” system. Forced in that an allopathic “health” policy is now required, which require regular visits to car salesman that shame and push jabs and pharmaceuticals, and a rigged system that requires no testing to prove its claims and a “special” court to prevent those harmed by this system to seek justice.
Say that 3 times fast! I digress.
But seriously, how many reading this have enough sense to realize that the above shifts (far from complete) can actually cull the mind and body? If you have come to realize that these shifts might adversely affect your ability to think and discern as clearly as descendants of Adam, will that realization be a fleeting thought or mark a change in your life to claw your way back? Is our present toxic world a product of these shifts? We must all decide that for ourselves, but choosing not to decide is making a choice in this new upside down world that has transformed from opt-in to opt-out. And for those that choose opt-out, they too will discover that the exits are hidden and blocked by Jedi mind tricks. Don’t take my word for it, there are others out there who have taken this path. For me personally, my ailments disappeared rapidly following this opt-out. I have the confidence to not fear illness and change the channel when the newz is pushing their latest FUD to herd its sheep into the fatal funnel. If interested to learn more, then I invite you to seek it out because only those that seek will find — we cannot and should not leave such things to our information feeds.